Feed Me Gems Trademark and Copyright Notice

Every product past and present appearing on our website is protected by COPYRIGHT and TRADEMARK under U.S. Copyright law and U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and is strictly the property of Hair Candy by Han™️ (doing business as Feed Me Gems).
You may NOT copy, reproduce, distribute, publish, display, perform, modify, or create derivative works of ANY of our products. 
We have no tolerance for trademark or copyright infringement; such actions are expressly prohibited by HCBH and will be protected to the extent of the law.
Anyone found guilty of willful civil copyright infringement of any our products or fails to adhere to our trademarks could be held liable for up to $150,000 for EACH work that was infringed upon in addition to ALL attorney and court fees.
We take every case with upmost seriousness and negligence to adhere to the ownership of our intellectual works via copyright infringement or trademark infringement will be pursued swiftly with legal action by our on staff attorney.
EVERYTHING we've created, past and present, is protected and is SOLELY our intellectual property.